30 August 2024

Ultima Thule

The Thule Society originated shortly after the Great War, aiming at finding its real location, using the Swastika in its logo, a spiritual symbol supposedly originating from Arya Varta: How did a rotating Ursa Major spread worldwide?

The Theosophical Society claims human evolution started near Rupes Nigra, when avatars were composed of etheric matter. Out of that race Hyperboreans evolved, whose avatar had a golden yellow color. Thereafter Lemurians were a tall race that intially led eggs: Was Brahma really born out of a golden egg?

Together with Shiva & Vishnu, the creator forms a triple deity, which seems to be a common feature of many mythologies, often sharing the same archetypes:


Thonis, where the descendants of Ham ruled, got fully flooded after the eruption of the volcano @ Santorini in 726 AD:

The so called Biblical Kingdom then corresponds with the Holy Roman Empire, partially duplicated as the Byzantine Empire & also labeled as the Tartarian Empire:

The titans Kronos and Iapetos were thrown in the Tartaros, but not Okeanos, while the son of Ham was cursed, not one of Shem or Japheth. Atlas is known as a son of Poseidon, as well as of Iapetos, while the names Tartary & Tartaros also resemble each other: Is it a sign how terms sometimes get twisted to obstruct our understanding of the real history?

Most Semites officially worship Allah or Yahweh, but the black cube where they walk around or put on their forehead suggest a worship of Saturn: Are Protestants the real supporters of Jupiter, while Catholics are rather controlled opposition, as Cathars tried to expose yet?