According to different historical sources, the construction of the Tower of Babel led to the scattering of languages around the globe. This is a simplified mythical explanation, but it might make sense ...
Historians locate Babylon in Mesopotamia, but in Coptic Caïro also the remnants of Babylon Fortress are found. Next to these remnants we can find what is called the Hanging Church. A church might be seen as a garden of tranquility, maybe the Garden of Eden?
Next to Caïro is Giza, where we can find the famous pyramids, the only remaining of the original seven world wonders. Up until the last centuries, the Khufu one remained the highest building ever made by mankind. It’s still a structure reaching high up into the sky, about its construction & purpose debates still go on ...
Originally, those pyramids had a white outer layer, which you can still see on the top of the Khafre one. Earthquakes trembled them down later, so nowadays the limestone under this original layer becomes visible. The fallen blocks were used in the construction of buildings in the city ...
According to the Borsippa Inscription, an earthquake trembled down the blocks of the tower. It also tells us that people left the place in total speech confusion long before the earthquake. Hieroglyphs are considered as the foundation of many written languages around the world. The following questions arise:
- Are the destruction of the pyramids and the scattering of languages connected?
- Was the inscription in Borsippa made by migrants?
- Was medieval Fustat the spot of a destroyed city near the fortress, bearing its name?
- Are the ruïns in Mesopotamia the real Babylon?