30 June 2021

Attila the Hun

Know as the "Scourge of God", he conquered an empire ranging from the Roman Limes to the Ural Mountains: The European part of the Heartland, extending from Hungary to Yugra, comparable to the territory of the Golden Horde at its peak. On his way to Aurelianum, he got defeated for the first time on the Catalaunian Plains. His name is similar to a Khazar capital & another name for the Volga river:

  • Switching vowels might turn it into Ital(ia)
  • Reversing consonants might turn it into Lati(um)

In Romance languages, a royal dynasty ruling the region of the Во́лга river might be translated as 'Casa Итиль': It can be contracted to Castil(ia), which on itself leads to 'castle'. It arises the following questions:

We might make the following comparison with the wars of Carolus Magnus:

According to Heribert Illig, this phantom character never existed: So where did the inspiration for the story of this 'Great King' come from? From the 'Genghis Khan' who, according to the New Chronology, conquered Europe? He might have built castles to maintain control, helped by his brother Khasar?

16 June 2021

Ivan the Terrible

Know as the first Tsar of all Rus, Ivan added the Ta(r)tar khanates of Kazan & Astrakhan to his realm, turning it into an empire. However, the subsequent Livonian War was a disaster, the Ta(r)tar knanate of Crimea nearly succesfully raided his capital. During his reign, the conquest of the Ta(r)tar khanate of Sibir started. The New Chronology tells a similar story:

Khan Kuchum ruled east of the Ural Mountains. Sounds can have different consonants, for example 'CH' = 'X' & 'K' = 'C': Reversing the consonants & switching the vowels might lead to 'Mexic(o)', whose reverse is '(O)cixem', or Shechem: Can we also associate it with 'Meshech', its near reverse, together with 'Tubal', refering to Tobolsk, the lands where Magog ruled, whereas 'Rosh' refers to Russia?

Грозный might be a duplicate of Великий, and in reality be an assemblance of four real characters, according to the New Chronology:

Is it a Romanov conspiracy to claim the Russian throne, after the Time of Troubles? It might fit in the framework of Wallerstein to alter real history for giving birth to nationalistic ideologies to supply the existence of a world-economy: Is it a coincidence that the VOC, the very first MNC, had its origin aroud that time?

The Oprichnina was a first answer to an attempt to gain power by the Romanovs, which they might have covered up later. What else happened to our real history?