Taking advantage of rivalries within the Golden Horde, the proclaimed saint beat commander Mamai at Kulikovo, which resulted in a vast expansion of his territory & more unity among the many principalities in Russia. A geographical analysis by the New Chronology suggests Kulishki to be the location of the battle, which historically might have been duplicated even 30 times ...
Barfolomey Kirillovich blessed the victor of the battle beforehand, cause under his reign a lot of monasteries were build to stimulate the cultivation of land & growth of Russia: In Moscow he contributed to the founding of the fortified monasteries of Simonov & Andronikov, where many warriors of the mentioned battle have been buried. The monastic quarter near the latter one produced bricks to build the kremlin, according to the research of the New Chronology the actual reconstruction of Jerusalem ...
The monastery of Donskoy has been build about 200 years later, after establishing a victory in battle over the Crimean Khanate, which about 600 years earlier formed, together with the territories conquered by Ivan Vasilyevich, the known territory of the Golden Horde. If we take the chronological shift of 100 years into account, it brings us back to the stand on the river Ugra, another 100 years to the river Moskva, another 400 years to the river Atil. The New Chronology identifies Sviatoslav Igorevich as a duplicate of Dmitry Ivanovich: Does the duplicated battle near Kulishki actually represent the decisive victory over the Khazar Khaganate?
Originally the Khazars confessed Tengrism, but later they mainly converted to Judaism, influenced by trading activities in the region: Yahweh might be identified as the Demiurge, usually equivalent to Saturn, but described as his son Jupiter by occultists Aleister Crowley & Manly Palmer Hall. The New Chronology adds a divine aspect to the battle near Kulishki & identifies Constantinus Magnus as a duplicate of Dmitry Ivanonvich: Whoever the creator of the physical world might be associated with, did the battle symbolize a victory of spirituality over materialism?