21 May 2023

Prester John

Emperor Manuel Komnenos once semeed to have received a letter containing knowledge about Thomas the Apostle & Alexander the Great. Pope Alexander the Third then reacted strategically by writing a letter to its supposed sender, but it's uncertain Philip the Physician was able to deliver it. The original letter describes a wonderful kingdom, stretching over three so called Indias: Might they be identified as the three Hordes, where three Kings rule?

The New Chronology identifies the legendary patriarch as the so called Batu Khan, who they claim to be a younger brother of the so called Genghis Khan: Was the so called Mongol Empire the great eastern nation of the patriarch around the Golden Ring?

The Mirabilia Descripta describes the legendary patriarch as ruler of Ethiopia, an idea that seemed to have entered the collective consciousness by the time of the Samalas Eruption: Did some Hordians flee there, as well as to Manchuria & Afghanistan, after the Time of Troubles, offering another possibility for identifying three Indias with duplicated histories?

The Temple of Doom shows Indiana Jones was hired to retrieve the remains of Nurhaci, but he escaped over the Himalayas to defeat the Thuggee. From that mountain range, he started his quest for the Ark of the Covenant, which might be kept guarded nearby the Ethiopian Highlands: Do these plots hint to Abyssinia, Bharat & Zhongguó as three Indias?

Going back in time about one millenium from the mentioned letters, we might stumble upon three duplicates of the prester:

Might John te Baptist be the fourth Musketeer among the mentioned duplicates?