Known as the intiator of the Reformation, he actually was yet preceded by John Hus, John Wycliffe & even Gnosticism. A doctrine formulated by Aurelius Augustinus inspired him to associate certain religions with the devil:
After initially being in favor of Judaism, he changed opinion after they refused to convert to Protestantism. In the year of Copernicus' death, he wrote On the Jews & their Lies, accusing them of exploiting Christians by means of usury: Did it later inspire Adolf Hitler to resist the Jew World Order?
A few years earlier, the Jesuit Order was founded to instigate the Catholic Reformation: The council of Trent resulted in the Eighty Years' War, wherein the army of Gustavus Adolphus used Gott mit Uns as a mean of recognition. They inherited that phrase from the Teutonic Order, which later also was used by Prussia & its successors: Were they the Israelites, as defined by Anatoly Fomenko?
The last ruler of a united kingdom supposedly was King Solomon, followed by Rehoboam ruling over the Jews & Jeroboam over the Israelites, whose tribes supposedly disappeared. A few old maps situate some of their names: Did they later flee to Great Tartary?
The mother of Suleyman Khan originated from Little Tartary, whose son, preceded by Selim I & succeded by Selim II, shared the preference for aniconism with our famous Protestant. As well as Flavius Justinianus, preceded by Justinus I & succeded by Justinus II, he is known as a famous lawgiver: Were all of them, as Ataman of the so called conquest by Prophet Joshua, partial duplicates of Jedidiah?
Our magnificent Sultan died in the year of the Beeldenstorm, which initiated the Eighty Years' War, of which the Thirty Years' War was the final part, which caused a lot of destruction on the territory of the so called Holy Roman Empire: Was this realm actually a complex political falsification to fade the real history of Das Erste Reich out of our consciousness?
The New Chronology describes Israel as a theomachist nation, whereas Judea as a theocratic nation. The Demiurge is the equivalent of Yahweh, whereas Satan is described as the king of this world by many biblical authors, for example by Paul & John:
- Did the ten lost tribes revolt against the crescent spirit of Ahriman?
- Is the modern nation of Israel actually an arrogant hoax of Judeans?