A monk, working as a physician, became a teacher, supported by twelve apostles, to spread this message: Abolishment of the ecclesiastical hierarchy & return to early spiritual teaching. He was a member of the Bogomils, about one century eralier initiated by a priest: It has roots in Paulicianism & Manichaeism ...
Off course, patriarch Nicholas Grammatikos & emperor Alexios Komnenos condemned him as an heretic: By ruse, they were able to burn him on a stake in the Hippodrome of Constantinople. However, this murder didn't stop Gnosticism: On the contrary, from the Balkan Peninsula it spread to Kievan Rus, but also the southern parts of Gaul; for example the Cathars & Waldenses ...
Just as Christ, the mentioned monk got betrayed by one of his disciples. He also healed the sick, as some other examples in the domain of medicine:
- Basileios of Caesarea founded the Basiliad, a complex with a poorhouse, hospice & hospital: Gregorios of Nazianzos thought it could rival the wonders of the world ...
- Asklepios of Epidavros applied the method of incubation in his Spa: The patient was cured when he saw a snake in his dream. He seemed to have inspired Hippocrates of Kos ...
- Merlin of Wales seemed to be a shapeshifting druid: Sired by an incubus, a woman gave birth to that healing wizard ...
These are all, according to the New Chronology, at least partial, duplicates: The four dimensions allow them to resemble as unique personalities in history, but deeper research points out their often obvious similarities ...
After the execution of the physician, Bogomils remained prosecuted by pope & patriarch: They fled to Bosnia, where the local heretics tolerated them. However, the conquering Ottomans didn't mind the heresy, resulting in a mass embracement of Islam. Besides that, according to the historical revisionists, even prophet Muhammad seems to be a partial duplicate of prophet Joshua ...