Known from a poem written under opium intoxication, he decreed a stately pleasure dome in the mythical Xanadu: Mainstream history identifies it as Shangdu, where a kurultai was held to oppose his brother. After winning the consequential civil war, he transfered his capital from Karakorum to Khanbaliq: Is he a duplicate of Dmitry Ivanovich, who moved it from Vladimir to Moscow?
Where Kublai supposedly refounded Zhongdu, Donskoy renewed the kremlin of Moscow. As well as Tartar City, it neighbours an outer city, whose name can be translated as Cathay City. The New Chronology claims a big part of the mainstream history of Zhongguo is a fraud: Was the history of one capital city copied to hide another's?
While Moscow might be the reconstruction of Jerusalem, the description of the Forbidden City fits the description of a new Jerusalem in the book of Revelation & scrolls of Qumran: Although the measurements are too huge, the rectangular shape & twelve gates fit the picture. The Opium Wars weakened the Manchu Empire, where the Taiping Rebellion even proclaimed a(nother) new Jerusalem: Were the thousand years mentioned in Revelation another exaggeration & Tartar City the capital city of the new earthly realm, ultimately defeated by the Eight Nation Alliance?
The few remaining ruins near Shangdu also display a rectangular shape, similar to the ones of Ordu Baliq, suggesting they belong to another era than proposed by mainstream history. Terpischore performed in Xanadu, whereas the river Alfeios springs in Arcadia:
- Can khanate idyllicly be written as Xanadu, refering to the Tartarian Empire?
- Does the location near the river refer to Olympia, where Panhellenic Games were held?
As Canada might suggest, the empire even stretched to the New World. The putsch by the last ruler of a unified empire yet met permanent resistance, slowly dismantling the realm. Independent nations arose, stimulating the grow of the modern world-system:
- Was the battle of Peking the final blow for the former world-empire?
- Are Olympic Games held to stimulate competition in the modern world-economy?
The original known version of those games honored Zeus, the only surviving son of Cronus, of whom mainstream christianity inherited the celebration of Christmas on the day of Sol Invictus: Was a putsching Constantinus Magnus actually implementing opportunistic reforms to distract christians to an occult worship in a pleasure-dome?
It inspired Frankie Goes To Hollywood, where the Red Hot Chili Peppers claim space is filmed. After the release of 2001: A Space Odyssey, the general repetition for faking the moon landings, writer Arthur Charles Clarke honored Stanley Kubrick with a variant on the mentioned poem: Does Hollywood provide us pleasure under a firmament?
Besides there, the idyllic place is found elsewhere:
- Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago is described as America's Xanadu
- Bill Gates' mansion in Medina even bears the name Xanadu 2.0
Were Operation Warpspeed & Vaccination Passports unrolled in an attempt to control pleasure under the dome?