20 July 2024

Arya Varta

Situated on the fluvial plain in the northern part of Bharat, where the town of Sambhal is located & the Vedas originated, it once housed a population that considered themselves to be chaste: Can it be identified as Agartha, or even Asgard?

The creating deity of Hinduism is frequently named Prajapati, similar to the following names:

After his victory against the Titans, he also beat the Gigantes, similar to the Jötunn, who were fought by Thor. Those giants live in Jotunheim, but their ancestors originate from Niflheim: Are they the Nephilim?

Genesis mentions the existence of giants, who became victims of a flood. The story of Noah is similar to the tale of the seventh Manu, who received divine laws from Brahma: Did Moses rather depart over sea instead of part it?

Many flood myths are similar, of whom the epic of Atrahasis is considered to be the eldest: Before the outburst of the Burckle Crater, as suggested in Genesis, did he actually build the Ark & sent Ham to Egypt, Shem to Sumer & Japheth to Bharat after the Deluge?